How Does Meditation Work?
How Does Meditation Work? In meditation, our goal is to gather up all of our resources and focus them towards the activation of a higher level of potential within ourselves. The practice of meditation is meant to move us to ever-higher levels of consciousness. There is an eternal stream of Life, flowing through everything that exists. It transforms into everything imaginable, and yet it's underlying essence remains unchanged. This is the source of all life, growth, healing, and transformation. It is this stream which carries us to the heights of meditation. Unfortunately, many people get too caught up in effort during meditation. We often try to make something happen: we make an effort to receive, we visualize intensely, and we pray with all of our might. We believe there is something that we must DO in order to connect more deeply with the source of life within us. We think that conditions must be met, requirements must be fulfilled, and everything needs to be...