The Yogic View of Evolution: Introduction to the Yuga Cycle

The Yogic View of Evolution

Introduction to the Yuga Cycle

Most people see evolution as a gradual movement upwards; a continual climb towards higher potential. We know that in many ways our lives are better than our ancestors, and we assume that their lives were better than those that came before them. But what if we are not currently at the peak of what has been achieved in the history of humanity?

According to the ancient yogis, evolution is not a linear process; it is cyclical. They described evolution as a cycle that moves from absolute knowing and enlightenment, to total darkness and illusion, and then back again. We are constantly moving from light to dark and dark to light, and one complete revolution is called a "Yuga Cycle". 

This teaching can get very deep but I just want to introduce the topic here so that you may better understand where we are as a collective. The world can begin to look very different from this perspective. An understanding of the yugas will enable you to better understand the behavior of others and to more readily move yourself in a positive direction. 

It is not my intention to tell you what to believe regarding evolution, I just want to expose you to these ideas so that you may be better equipped to decide for yourself.

Some people claim that one Yuga Cycle takes 24,000 years while others say that it takes 4,320,000 years, and still there are many other estimates in circulation. This number hardly seems important to me at all but, given the rate of growth that I have seen and experienced in my own life, I am inclined to lean heavily towards the side of a 24,000 year cycle. Luckily, this number need not hinder our ability to understand the concept!

The yuga cycle is divided into four distinct periods, or "yugas", which correspond to the four levels of creation. They each have unique qualities and characteristics and can be defined as follows:

Satya Yuga: The Age of Consciousness
Treta Yuga: The Age of Thought
Dwapara Yuga: The Age of Energy
Kali Yuga: The Age of Matter

In each of these yugas, there is a widely held worldview that permeates mass consciousness. People generally believe that our world is either made up of matter, energy, thought, or consciousness. This is accepted as the underlying truth of reality. 

It is important to clarify here that the level of consciousness which defines each yuga is widespread and dominant, not absolute. There will always be highly evolved souls among us during the darkest times, and there will also be some who remain lost in the darkness during periods of enlightenment.

Variety is the spice of eternity.

Now, before we continue, which yuga do you think we are currently living in? Of these four categories, which do you see the majority of people believing in and identifying with: Consciousness, Thought, Energy, or Matter? 

As we move through this Yuga Cycle, we are either descending towards the darkness or ascending towards the light.

The journey from Satya (light) to Kali (dark) is called the descending cycle.
Halfway through Satya Yuga we begin our descent into darkness which involves passing through descending Treta Yuga and descending Dwapara Yuga before arriving in descending Kali Yuga.

The journey from Kali (dark) to Satya (light) is called the ascending cycle.
Halfway through Kali Yuga we begin our ascent towards the light which includes passing through ascending Dwapara Yuga and ascending Treta Yuga before arriving in ascending Satya Yuga.

During the ascending cycle, people are continually improving. We see noticeable improvements in intelligence, creativity, and physical performance from one generation to the next. There are no world records that are safe; they will all be broken! Technology is continually developed and refined until we reach the point where we no longer need it (yes that IS happening!)

The descending cycle is a gradual process of decline and a loss of knowledge and ability. From one generation to the next there is a general decrease in intelligence, understanding, and intuition (among other things). The people that are being born find it difficult or impossible to live up to the example of their parents and ancestors.

Thank God that's over!

Let's take a moment here to be thankful that the current descending cycle is over! Yes there are many problems in the world and certainly many things are getting worse, but this is happening as a result of the Kali Yuga "matter consciousness" that we are leaving behind. It still exists throughout the world today but it is quickly becoming the minority and people are generally able to see beyond the illusion of matter and understand that everything in existence is actually an expression of energy.

We are moving towards greater understanding and a higher perception of truth.

The problem we are currently facing is that the "Kali People" find our ascension to be very disagreeable to their limited view of reality, and thus, they are causing all sorts of "ruckus" as the world that they know is disappearing. This is to be expected, and as more of us continue our climb towards higher consciousness the world will begin to stabilize at higher and higher levels. 

Let's Break it Down from Lowest to Highest

Kali Yuga is the lowest and darkest period, the Age of Matter.

In this Yuga, people see the world in terms of the 5 senses, consisting purely of physical material. The overall level of consciousness on the planet is very low and people believe that they are a physical being only. We could say that the entire planet is highly saturated with "matter consciousness".

Most people would flat out deny the existence of any connection between people or other forms of life. Any talk involving higher powers, energy, or the Soul would be seen as undeniably insane and evil, and could quite possibly result in a swift and painful execution! Religions still exist but unfortunately, most people simply do and believe as they are told, without ever questioning religious doctrines or thinking for themselves.

"If I can't see it with my own two eyes, it doesn't exist!" 

People employ physical methods to reach their physical goals and they strive to outdo each other and gain power over their countrymen. People feel that life is a competition and they must win by any means necessary. All problems and diseases are seen as having physical causes and they can only be dealt with by using physical techniques and methodologies. 

The term "Dark Ages" was incredibly accurate!

Dwapara Yuga is the Age of Energy.

In this Yuga, people understand that all physical matter is actually an expression of energy. The solidity of matter is discovered to be an illusion and underlying energy patterns are seen as the true nature of reality. As humans start to see themselves as beings of energy, they discover many wonderful talents and abilities that begin to awaken within them.

At some point, people will begin to understand that everyone is a wizard, jedi, siddha, superhuman, etc.

The technology that is created during this time reflects the energetic nature of reality. Projectors, computers, internet, wi-fi, solar panels, etc. More and more things are being used on a daily basis which hardly contain any physical material at all! People become free to travel around the planet at will, and eventually all distance is eliminated entirely, either by technological means or awakened abilities.

The medical field becomes radically improved as we learn that all physical illness and ailments have non-physical (thought, emotion) causes. By learning to address the energetic patterns that create the conditions, all maladies become curable and even age is discovered to be reversible.

(Doesn't some of this sound familiar?!)

Yes we are currently in Ascending Dwapara Yuga. Our intelligence, technology, and ability to grasp universal truth is constantly improving. We have only recently left Kali Yuga and so we find ourselves in a bit of a "grey area" as we transition more and more fully out of the darkness but nevertheless, our light is growing! 

Treta Yuga is the Age of Thought.

To the people of this period, it is no secret that each and every thought contains the creative power of the Universe. Thought is understood to be a very powerful force, containing infinite creative potential. Learning to properly direct one's thoughts is seen as the highest skill. In this Yuga, people can see the way that thought influences and shapes reality, and they live their lives primarily by directing their thoughts in a constructive way. Hard, physical labor absolutely pales in comparison to the skillful use of thought-force.

"Whatsoever things ye ask, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."

In Treta Yuga, this quote would be seen as an undeniable statement of truth. It is a scientific fact of this period that we can use our thoughts to cause the creation of anything we choose. By aligning our thoughts with the natural expansive forces of the universe, we can move steadily and fearlessly towards ever-greater perfection.

Finally, people understand that anything is possible.

Satya Yuga is the highest period, the Age of Consciousness.

It is characterized by knowing, truth, light, and connection. In this Yuga, everyone sees the world as a manifestation of consciousness. They feel and know that the ultimate creative consciousness (God) lives within all that exists. This idea of God is not a concept or a belief, it is a direct experience shared by all living beings. There can be no confusion about this during Satya Yuga. This is the time when every soul on earth is aspiring to live as a Buddha and a Christ.

Why does any of this matter?

As you begin to understand the different yugas, you can see the level of consciousness that gives rise to the various ideas, beliefs, and actions that are present in the world today. The way that people think, speak, and act is a reflection of their current level of understanding. People act from their level of identification. We all see ourselves as beings of matter, energy, thought, or consciousness, and we direct our lives accordingly.

By tuning in to the level that people are operating from, everything begins to make a bit more sense. We understand that the problems created by those still living from matter-consciousness can best be addressed by helping them to see the next level of creation, which is the level of energy. By viewing others as part of the whole, steadily moving towards greater perfection, we stop focusing our energy on problems, and we become solution-oriented.

The current status of the world is a direct result of our place in ascending Dwapara Yuga. When you can see that we are clearly in an age of "Energy-Consciousness", you will more readily make peace with the darkness in the world, and you will have a much stronger faith in the improvements that are taking place beneath the surface of human consciousness. You will once again begin to believe that life has a happy ending!

Keep these yugas in mind, and try to understand where everyone else is coming from. In every person's life, one force reigns supreme. Learn to view everything as a reflection of matter, energy, thought, or consciousness and notice how this clarifies your own understanding of yourself, the world, and others.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! Please let me know what effect (if any) this information has had on the way you perceive the world.

Keep moving towards higher consciousness and greater understanding!


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