
Hello and welcome to The Avatar Project.
I have created this site to chronicle my own journey of awakening, and to help as many others as possible along the way.
If you have ever felt that there is much more to this world, and who you are, than is commonly believed, you are not alone!
I am committed to sharing only those tools, techniques, and ideas that have helped me personally.
I will always be my own primary test subject.
It is important to remember that the point of all spiritual practice is to move your awareness from who you think you are, to who you really are, and that as you do this, you will experience ever-increasing levels of freedom, love, and joy.
As you spend more time in those states of being, and begin to stabilize there, you will come to realize that you truly are, and have always been, unlimited.
Do you believe in the Buddha, or Jesus?
Do you believe that they truly lived?
Do you believe that there have always been "enlightened masters" living among us?
Do you know that they both taught that we are the same as they are?
Do you realize that it is only a misunderstanding of who we really are that is preventing us from living as the greatest beings we have ever imagined?
Think of the impact that these beings had on the planet one at a time.
Just imagine what it would be like to have several, dozens, hundreds, or more of these beings living on Earth at the same time!
It will be the time of awakening, the time when masters appear all around the Earth, and we all come together to claim our own mastery.
There is no better time than now to begin to free ourselves from limitation of every kind, once and for all.
This is the beginning of Heaven on Earth.
This is my vision. This is my dream. This is The Avatar Project.
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