Learning to Radiate
Learning to Radiate
If you are serious about pursuing the path of meditation and learning how to create the life that you deserve, you must eventually learn to radiate positive vibrations. Which is to say, you must be able to consciously experience a positive emotional state, at will.
You do have this ability. You have the ability, right now, to create any emotion that you want to experience. Most people are completely unaware of this, and so they have not developed the necessary skill required to do so, but it is an ability that we all share, and that we all can benefit from.
As many of you know, the Law of Attraction is constantly bringing us experiences that match our state of being. When you’re happy, good things come to you. When you’re upset, bad things come to you. When you genuinely love life, Life loves you back! Now if you want to apply this knowledge to your life, you must be able to generate positive emotions even when you do not have any specific reason for doing so.
We do not need something specific to be thankful for, we can simply BE thankful! This is a powerful skill that will transform your life completely when you learn to apply it deliberately and consistently. Let’s try it out!
We’re going to take a series of breaths, and let out a sigh of relief, while mentally giving thanks. You do not need to think of anything specific, just imagine yourself saying “Thank you” to someone or, for something.
Inhale, Ahhhh Thank you.
again again again
Now notice that you can achieve the exact same thing, without mentally reciting the words “Thank you”. You can simply inhale, and ahhhh (thank you) You can feel thankful anytime you like. You can consciously radiate this feeling at will.
Now then, if you are in a foul mood, you will most likely be unable to sit down, close your eyes, and radiate thankfulness. Until you have essentially mastered the ability to radiate, you would do well to focus on releasing stress and tension, and consciously relaxing. When you are relaxed enough, you will then be able to generate the higher emotional states of joy, love, thankfulness, and bliss.
This is a practice that can be done anytime, and anywhere, but it is best learned whenever you have a few moments to yourself and you can just close your eyes, sit still, and breathe.
You can practice in your car! Anytime you get in your car, practice for 10 breaths before you start to drive, or whenever you park your car, practice for 10 breaths before you get out. If you can find the motivation to practice this every time you get into or out of your car, you will be amazed at the level of impact this has on your life!
If you practice yoga or qigong, you can start to incorporate this into your physical practice. Do your best to radiate thankfulness anytime you are in mountain pose, child’s pose, or savasana. These moments of stillness present the perfect opportunity for this practice, and since you will be in a heightened energetic state as a result of your physical practice, you will be able to generate a more powerful state of positive emotion. In other words, your feeling of thankfulness will be bigger, and it will have a bigger impact on your life.
I really hope that you will begin to practice this throughout your day, 5 breaths here, 10 breaths there, 10 minutes here, as you’re falling asleep. As often as you can, just breathe in, breathe out, and radiate.
You deserve to feel good!!!
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