You Are Praying To The Wrong Person
I love praying.
I pray every day.
Many people do.I pray every day.
But how do we know that we are doing it correctly?
What if all of our unanswered prayers were simply prayers that had been offered incorrectly?
Would you be willing to make the effort of learning the proper technique?
As it is commonly practiced, prayer is a means of stating a desire to God, and asking for help in accomplishing it. We are attempting to utilize prayer as a tool with which we can convince God to direct his Power as we would like.
This is both ineffective AND unnecessary.
God is aware of us at all times, in more ways than we have ever imagined.
God is also aware of every desire we have, and God knows EXACTLY how to make our desires come true.
Plan A is ready to go, and it WILL succeed, unless we are unable to hold ourselves in the 'receptive mode'.
Since we have not learned how to do this consciously, Plan A often fails.
Without a proper understanding of prayer, we wrongly attribute this failure to something other than ourselves.
Thankfully, Plan's B-Z have already been set into motion as well.
There are literally endless opportunities for receiving what we would like to experience, but until we are able to maintain an awareness of the Universal Supply, our prayers will seem to go unanswered.
The reason for this is that although the things we desire have been acknowledged by Source, and the best path to them has been carved out, we always retain our free will choice to receive Life's blessings, or not. And, since most of us have not learned HOW to receive Life's blessings, we do not understand that the choice is, in fact, ours.
Most of the time, when we pray, we are asking for God's help.
We are asking for something that we currently DO NOT HAVE.
The reason that we are asking, is that we do not understand that God IS ALREADY HELPING.
We are pleading our case before him and HOPING to receive the answer we desire.
Under these conditions, it is highly unlikely that we will achieve the desired result.
When we are truly aware of our connection with Source, we understand that even our wildest dreams have been made available to us since the very first moment of their inception.
So, if prayer is not the time to ask,
what then, is the correct method of prayer?
Prayer is not about God.
Prayer is all about You.
You do not need to elicit a positive response from God.
You need to CREATE a positive response within yourself.
Prayer cannot be used to convince God to help you.
Pray can only be used to convince yourself that God's help IS ALWAYS AVAILABLE.
Prayer is your chance to feel certain that God's Love is Unlimited and Unconditional.
Prayer is your chance to feel confident in the assistance and supply of Universal Forces.
Prayer is your chance to mentally and emotionally prepare yourself for the receiving of the Universe's blessing.
To the exact degree that you are AWARE of Life's unfailing support, you will see it working in your life.
When you are FULLY AWARE of Life's Unlimited Supply, it will work miraculously.
When Jesus prayed, he did not ASK God for help, he simply THANKED God for ALWAYS helping.
His faith had evolved into absolute knowing, and thus his life was full of miraculous displays of God's Power.
Now keep in mind that Jesus directly states, "All that I have done, and more, you shall also do. For the Father in Me, is the Father in You."
So let's not make the mistake of believing that we are somehow anything less than the Miraculous Children of Creation!!!
Of course, this is all easy enough to understand, but how can we put this understanding to an effective use in our lives?
An effective prayer is one in which you FEEL that Life truly has your best interests at heart.
Prayer is the practice of:
FEELING that you are loved unconditionally.
FEELING that you are supported unconditionally.
FEELING that the inherent goodness of Life is always on your side.
When you are able to tune-in to these emotions consistently, you will bear witness to Universal Power working in your life.
There are no limits to the amount of love and support that you can receive.
There are no limits to what you can be, or do, or have.
There is only the acceptance of Universal Supply, or not.
In each and every moment, THAT is the only choice we can make. We can either allow positive energy to flow through us, or not.
Let's choose wisely.
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